January 21, 2007

Small Button image

This is a small button that i designed for the application in the church

January 20, 2007

My First Job

On January 2007, I joined this non-profit Organization New Life AG in Chennai. This is a Church that holds around 30,000 members.
I was wondering what will be my first work will be. Then an event came up and I designed a A3 banner for a food stall for a carnival that came up in January. The sample image that i designed is as follows.
Here the image does not look good that much due to the file size limit and the image reads "lbo joint". I designed this whole poster in maximum 4 hours. Whole concept and Idea was put forth by myself and there was a little modification at the end of the design as per the client for the print.

January 3, 2007

Blog header image

This is a simple blog header image for my blog. This i uploaded in my blog header image in http://www.sammanjac.wordpress.com. Though
it does not look so professional it just my interest to put image on to the blog.The text in the image says " The Lord goes before you and fights for you"