December 14, 2007

Sunday school certificate

November 14, 2007

Cover Design journey with God

<--Version Not into print
Version 2 that no into print print---------------------->

August 29, 2007

August 15, 2007

15th August Indian Independence

Vande Mataram. We as Indians are celebrating 60 years of Independence and I am proud to be an Indian.God bless India

Mission convention flyers

This a flyer image that is done for the coming mission convention event...

August 14, 2007

The banner done for site

This is the theme that is for this month and this is live on the site

August 3, 2007

Header for a webpage

These are the images i did that went unpublished...

July 23, 2007

Button Image for a site

This is button image that i did for the particular website for the client...

July 15, 2007

CD album banner

This is a banner ad that is done to be put on the website.

July 8, 2007

Theme for July Growth

This is the latest one that i designed for the site.For this month's(july) theme

July 6, 2007

These are the two images that i did recently for the parking facilities banner for the upcoming event. Though it dint come to the print and i guess i did a good work within a shor span of 2 hours.

June 6, 2007

Flyers june 10 2007

Flyer for the upcoming event in the church. To have a different look i went into the basics of the grayscale.

April 8, 2007

Banner ad for the site

This is the banner image created for the good friday service audio messages.

April 3, 2007

A Previous VBS ad in Web

This is a small piece of ad that i did for the web to be put in but dint get time to upload and the time passed by .This will remind me of the work that i did i guess.Hope u like it

March 20, 2007

Why Praise title

This is in sequence to another article written to explain the reason to praise the Lord.

March 8, 2007

Title image for the site

This is an image that is done on the basis of an article written.The theme of the picture is that God is watching all the things that we do and what if he published all the things that we do in public and those sins that we do. Where would you go?? God is there and He loves you so much.

March 3, 2007

Watered Garden

This is the next sequence to the article publishing and but this is not published on the site.

January 21, 2007

Small Button image

This is a small button that i designed for the application in the church

January 20, 2007

My First Job

On January 2007, I joined this non-profit Organization New Life AG in Chennai. This is a Church that holds around 30,000 members.
I was wondering what will be my first work will be. Then an event came up and I designed a A3 banner for a food stall for a carnival that came up in January. The sample image that i designed is as follows.
Here the image does not look good that much due to the file size limit and the image reads "lbo joint". I designed this whole poster in maximum 4 hours. Whole concept and Idea was put forth by myself and there was a little modification at the end of the design as per the client for the print.

January 3, 2007

Blog header image

This is a simple blog header image for my blog. This i uploaded in my blog header image in Though
it does not look so professional it just my interest to put image on to the blog.The text in the image says " The Lord goes before you and fights for you"