December 16, 2010

My own Website

Hello there,
I have been in blogger for long time with so many years leaving without updating my website. Now i have taken some serious decision to move to next step. I have come up with my one  website. The website is called BETHANYINDIA.NET  
In this website i will post all my latest work that i do and also i will update some devotional stuff from my daily reading. This website will a resource den for all things that is needed. From latest trends in technology to the latest gadget and some tutorial work that i have learnt and more thinngs to come...
Continue from here to my website.....BETHANYINDIA.NET

March 30, 2008

DGS Memorial Service Poster

This is a poster that i designed for the DGS memorial service solely conducted by Karunyans only and the service went very well with God's grace and his prescence on the place was wonderful .Glory be to God.

March 22, 2008

Header Image for IDFC

This is the image that is produced by me for the production of intranet application. This is also a small version of logo reproduced.